It is already time for the fall NWEA tests. Every student is tested in both reading and math. Our test dates are September 14-17 and September 21-24. The tests help us to identify any students that may be struggling and also students that need to be challenged. The tests are used to qualify students for Title 1 services. Another very important reason for the test is to determine if our curriculum needs to be adjusted in any way. You can help your child do well on these tests.
Make sure s/he is well rested.
Encourage them to try their best.
Give them a good breakfast - preferably a low sugar one.
Keep to your regular routine with as few changes as possible.

We have been blessed with three new school committee members. Laura Beach, Lindsey Lawrence, and Amy Vetsch have volunteered to serve on this committee. This is a 3-year commitment and we are so thankful that they joined us.
We still need members on the Marketing Committee. Please call the school if you are interested.

For those of you that are asking for donations from family and friends, we have envelopes available for you to use. These are preprinted and you can simply fill out the front, seal the donation inside, and send it to school with your child. Contact the office by note, phone, or email and we will send them home for you to use.

Just inside the door and across from the school office we have a giant foot print. We use this to show how much money has been turned in. It is adjusted each week as the new tally is announced. It is a fun reminder to everyone of how far we have come and how far we have left to meet our goal of $60,000.

Our website contains 2 videos about the Small Steps Big Intentions Marathon. Check them out to learn all about how the marathon works and how the money raised is used. Every dollar goes directly to our school. Thanks to Michelle Kramer for putting them together.

Donations are an important topic at school. It is only with donations that we can provide a first-class education to these 52 children and to spread the Word of God not only to them but to their families as well. Kathy Olson donated 6 air purifiers this past week. Each classroom will get one of these marvelous machines. We are grateful that she is able to fill this new need. We are still looking to add technology devices to our rooms. This week we came closer to our goal of having a device for each student. Pat Hanson was so kind to donate funding for 2 additional IPADS. We also received $300 from the Council of Catholic Women of St. John’s Church. We are so very thankful for the generosity of these gifts.

This week we wish a very happy birthday to Evan Springer (9-13), Ms. Zuehl (9-15), and Mrs. McGraw (9-16). God Bless each of them on the special day when they were born.

I am a part time principal and am scheduled to work three days a week. My usual days are Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Sometimes those days change if there is an appointment or meeting that I need to attend. If you are trying to get a hold of me and I am out, that may be why. I try to get to emails as quickly as I can when I get back in, but sometimes it takes a bit. I ask for your understanding.
