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September 18, 2020 Newsletter


The official date was September 13th this year. If you are lucky enough to be a grandparent, I hope that you had some form of contact with that special grandchild. Because of the way our school is operating right now we will not be inviting Grandparents into the building. We do want to celebrate that special relationship. We have asked for addresses for each of our student's grandparents. If you have not sent it in yet, please do it right away. We don't want to miss anyone.




The marathon is Friday, October 2nd. The School Committee had a long discussion about what to do in order to hold the event while keeping everyone healthy. If the weather is good we will hold the marathon like it has been in the past. We welcome families to join us. We will:

  • begin our day at school

  • have Mass outdoors

  • walk the marathon with families (We will split into 2 groups each going a different direction while keeping socially distant.)

  • meet back at church for prayer

  • have our Smile activity outdoors while reading intentions

  • enjoy bagged picnic lunch provided by the Knights of Columbus

  • release students to their families at 1:00 p.m.

If it rains it will look much different. We will not have families involved. We will:

  • begin our day at school

  • have Mass indoors with just students

  • have our Smile activity indoors while reading intentions

  • enjoy our bagged lunch provided by the Knights of Columbus

  • release students at 1:00 p.m.

Please pray for good weather!!


Every week during the Marathon Rally we announce the tally for the week. This week our total is $19,090!! Great job in getting those donations. We are one-third of the way there. Parishioner have begun sending in donations. Each parishioner is assigned to a school family. The envelope they use is sent home to you. It is sent to you for two reasons. The first is to track your donation total. The second is so that you can send them a note to thank them for their support.


Last week, we reached the second benchmark of $5,000. Ms. Zuehl's 2nd grade picked gum chewing as the incentive for the school. So this week each child was given a pack of gum and allowed to chew gum for the day. IT WAS FUN!! Our third benchmark is $15,000. We reached that this week! Mrs. Lenz's 3rd graders got to pick the incentive they want. They decided that we will have pajama day. So don't be surprised when your child comes down ready for school still in their pajamas.


We begin each day with a flag ceremony. The classes take turns raising the flag, singing a patriotic song, and praying together. Part of this is praying is for our Donor of the Day. We pray for them and all of the people that support our school.




The Minnesota Department of Health has developed a document that provides guidance about what to do in case of exposure to the coronavirus. I have found this very helpful. There is a decision tree along with a narrative explaining what steps to take. You can find the document here.


If the public school decides to move to their hybrid model we will not have bus service on Wednesdays. We will then be asking families to drop their child(ren) off for school no earlier than 7:40 a.m. and to pick them up at 2:45 p.m. We want to be ready if this happens and will ask you to share how you are going to do this. A form will be sent out next week asking for your family's details for drop off and pick up.



We are still missing a few sign off sheets for the family handbook. Each year you are asked to sign off that you have read the family handbook. The handbook is available on-line. If you need a paper copy, please contact the office. If you need another acknowledgement (It is on purple paper,) you can request one of those too.



We received two very thoughtful donations this week. Chuck and Ann Fuller donated $1,000 to be used to help us reach our goal of getting each student their own technology device. A few weeks ago our cold laminating machine broke. Norb and Michelle Kramer have donated a replacement. We give thanks to God for their generosity.

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