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Family Newsletter ~ February 20, 2020

Updated: Jul 17, 2020

Discovery Day

We had a great Discovery Day and welcomed 45 visitors! The Jolly Pops performed for our preschool-1st grade students and they all had enjoyed the show.


Wellness Team

Our wellness team will be meeting after school today to begin planning a special Healthy Snack Taste Test in March. Stay tuned for more details!



We look forward to seeing you next week for conferences. Once again, we encourage all students to take part in their conferences, but especially those in the upper grades. Leading the conference allows our students to really take ownership of their learning.


Scrip Sales

We are planning to sell Scrip after Masses on the 4th Sunday of each month. If you are willing to help with this, please contact Mrs. Roers in the office. We will be selling this Sunday, 3/23. Families that sell can use the profits toward their fundraising balance.


Ash Wednesday

Please join us as we begin the season of Lent next Wednesday 2/26 with Mass at noon. This year we will focus in a particular way on prayer during the season of Lent and take on a special project to support hospice patients. Watch for more information coming home early next week.


Catholic United Financial Schools Raffle

We have just about 10 days left to sell raffle tickets! Please help us meet our $10,000 goal by selling and returning tickets ASAP. Please be careful to make sure that tickets are filled out and include our school name and city.

I know that many of you have already met your fundraising goal, but we are really hoping to still have 100% participation from all school families. Toward that end, every class that has 100% participation will receive a pizza party – not just the top-selling class. We sent home books with everyone this year, thinking that if you had the books in hand, maybe an opportunity would come up and you could sell a few more tickets. We really hope to meet that goal, and we’ve got 2 weekends left to get there.

All tickets – sold and unsold – MUST be returned to the school by Monday, March 2. Please help us meet our deadlines by returning books as soon as they are sold.


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