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Family Newsletter ~ May 21, 2020

Updated: Jul 17, 2020

5th Grade Graduation 2020

Our 5th grade graduation, like everything else, will look different this year. We have it scheduled for next Wednesday, May 27 beginning at 7:00 PM in the parking lot of the Church of St. Philip. This will just be for our graduates and their families. The larger SoSP community is encouraged to tune in to our Facebook page. We are planning to livestream the event.

5th grade families, you will receive a Ziplock bag this Friday with your diploma, programs, etc. Please remember to bring it to graduation.

Kindergarten Graduation

Our kindergarten graduation will take place online tonight at 5:00. We congratulate Ms. Torborg and her class on their successful completion of their first year of all-day classes. Enjoy this day of celebration!


Oh, the Places You’ll Go

We have a special tradition of reading OH, THE PLACES YOU’LL GO to our 5th grade graduates, so we are doing it virtually this year. We’d like ALL the students to watch this special video! Click on the book to be linked to the video.


Last Day Blessing and Send-off

Our pick-up/drop-off tomorrow, Friday 5/22 is scheduled for 2:30 so that we can do an all-school prayer and send-off. When you arrive at the school, please make three rows facing the school. Everyone should remain in the vehicles. Staff will bring and pick up materials. You can wind down the windows to take part in the final prayer. After the final blessing, we ask you to exit the parking lot to the right and go around the block (past Fr. Jeff’s house and around to the east side of the school) so that the teachers can all do a final wave.



Please remember to bring back any of the technology that was on loan tomorrow in addition to any library books, reading counts books, textbooks, or resource materials.


Mrs. McCarney

Mrs. McCarney has decided to retire (again!) upon completion of this year. After retiring from principalship, she came back for five years to teach music. We have been so fortunate to have her! Please join me in sending her your best wishes and gratitude for her many years of service to the SoSP – 28 years in total!



Lifetouch has informed me that there has been a delay in production so our yearbooks will be arriving after we end our school year. We will set a pick-up date when we have them and/or you may get them when we return to school in the fall.


Starting in the Fall

The fall remains very uncertain at this time, but we will do our level best, provided the conditions are safe, to return to school as scheduled. Small Catholic schools offer an atmosphere conducive to distancing with our class sizes, so we are dealing with different issues than large school districts. The conversation and planning will continue throughout the summer months and we will keep you abreast of the decisions as we are able. I will do my best to advocate for return to normalcy at the diocesan level.


Summer Notes

As always, I encourage you to spend extra time keeping up with reading, writing, and math facts over the summer. It is common for children to need a month-long refresher when they return to school in the fall, and this year added extra complications. All things considered, I am pleased with and proud of the strides our teachers and students made during distance learning. They continued to move along in math, had daily religion lessons, and continued to work on language arts. In addition, science and social studies programming and specialist classes also were included with lighter loads. We have a lot to be proud of as we look back. I challenge you to keep your children reading and exploring throughout the summer months. We want to start off the year with as little lag time as possible! Fall assessments will come up soon and will give us a jumping off point for teaching.


This is my last newsletter and it comes with a great deal of sadness! I have enjoyed my time with you all more than I can say and the sadness I feel in making the transition is great. I do not plan to go far, though, and that gives me peace and consolation. I’ll enjoy sitting beside you as a parent in the years ahead. 😊 I trust that you will do your best to make the transition to new leadership go smoothly and welcome him/her with the same affection you did me. Thank you many times over for allowing me to serve this community. You have taught me many things, and that knowledge will someday help more schools. Know how much I appreciate your faith in me and willingness to trust me with your children. It was an honor and a blessing. I ask for your continued prayers, and be assured that I will continue to pray for you.

In Him ---

Dr. Kramer

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