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October 2nd Newsletter


Welcome to October. We have several days with no school for students. October 5th is Faith Formation Day for staff. MEA Break is the 15th and 16th will no school for students and staff.



SMALL STEPS BIG INTENTIONS was last Friday. It was a chilly day for the walk but at least the wind stayed away. HUGE thanks to Diane Springer and Michelle Kramer for planning and leading the weekly marathon rallies. Their hard work fired everyone up each week and we all enjoyed them.


$57,014 was our final total. We are so close to our $60,000 goal. I have decided to extend the deadline one week. If we can bring in only $2,986 in one week we will earn our marathon reward. A day of watching a movie, playing in the park and pizza lunch. If you still have businesses in your packet that you have not contacted, now is the time. If you have friends, neighbors, or relatives that you haven't asked, now is the time.


Mrs. McGraw's 4th grade decided that they would like to have an ice cream sundae bar. We will take time next week to have ice cream and all the toppings. Mrs. McGraw made sure that we will have a variety to choose from. That sounds delicious.


Mr. Johnson's 5th graders got to decide which of the incentives that we left would be this level. They picked dance party. The first nice afternoon that we have will be the date. We all will go out onto the playground and DANCE!!



This week we wish a very happy birthday to Tattrie Ficker (10-1). God Bless her.



We are fortunate to be able to host a flu shot clinic for out students. This will be administered on Thursday, October 8th. You received a form for this last week. Please contact the office if you still need to sign up.



It is Fire Prevention Week at school this week. This too will be different than in the past. We won’t be able to have up close and personal contact with the firefighters but will still spend time during the week emphasizing fire prevention and preparedness. Fire Prevention Officer Joshua DeSmith has provided materials geared to each grade level. We will have our first fire drill and talk about fire prevention and safety at home.


I have you have time to be with your family and enjoy the fall weather.

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