First Communion Congratulations!
Congratulations to our 2nd grade First Communicants! May you receive Jesus with same reverence and joy each Sunday. We appreciate the dedication Mrs. Lenz and Mrs. Peterson have to preparing our students. Thank you!
Living Rosary and May Crowning
Thank you to all who helped to make our Living Rosary so beautiful and prayerful.
Spring Weather
As the weather gets warmer, I know that students will want to start wearing cooler clothing. A few important notes….
· No short shorts – they should be close to the knees.
· Shorts are not to be worn to Mass. Students may bring them and change at recess on Fridays.
· Shirts should have straps that are at least two adult fingers wide.
Principal for the Day
Lukas Olson was our Principal for the Day on Monday this week. It was my pleasure to spend the day with him! Mr. Olson helped lead prayer and the flag ceremony, Monday Meeting, a tornado drill, and a fire drill, and he ended the day with an extra recess for the whole school. You may recall that Lukas won this honor as he was chosen from the students who sold Catholic United Financial Schools Raffle tickets.
Field Day -- May 21
We are looking forward to our annual Field Day on May 21. We have guest presenters coming in to to talk about mental health, anxiety-coping strategies, and summer safety from 10-11 AM. Then we will have lunch and begin our afternoon activities. We will have a variety of relay races and track and field events, and then we'll close our day with a large-group game of beach ball baseball.
We will need empty water bottles (clear bottles, cleaned, with caps but without labels). Please save your bottles and send them in so we can use them for a special project on Field Day.
We will also needs lots of helpers to make this day flow smoothly. If you can join us starting at 11:45, we would appreciate the help! Please contact the office to volunteer.
Our School Committee and Marketing Team will be meeting collectively next Tuesday 5/14 at 5:30 to discuss the Stakeholder Survey results and begin developing our new School Strategic Plan. All members of our school community are welcome to take part in this discussion and offer input. If you cannot attend but have contributions, please email them to Mrs. Kramer.
Mr. Brooks Summer Reading Challenge
Mr. Brooks has offered another Summer Reading Challenge. The students will be presented with this information next week at our Monday Meeting. Mr. Brooks has committed to give us $1/book with a $300 minimum and a $500 maximum for all books read over the summer. Graduating 5th graders and staff are also encouraged to participate. Use this Google Link to add your books to the school's running total:
Year-End School Cleaning
Each year we ask for parent volunteers to come in and help us empty and clean the classrooms to lighten Mr. Eischens’ summer load. This allows him more time for projects that only he can undertake (i.e. boiler maintenance). We are planning for Monday and Tuesday June 10-11 beginning at 5:30. If you are able to come for one or both evenings, please let us know.
Totus Tuus
Totus is a wonderful summer program option for children to learn more about our faith and grow in love and service. This VBS-type program will take place at St. Philip Church June 10-13. It will be during the day. Sign up your children at
Tuition Contracts
Just an FYI that tuition contracts will be coming out in the next week. Families are encouraged to pay the $110 materials fee by May 31st. Prior to May 31st the fee is only $60. It goes up to $110 on June 1.