It is Thanksgiving next week. There is no school for students and staff on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday - November 25 - 27. I want each of you to know that I am thankful for so many blessings and I count our school families among them. I know that this holiday will look very different for so many of you. It will for me as well. Be thankful, count your blessing and take this time to embrace the health of your family and any new traditions you may be creating.

Picture retakes are this Tuesday, November 24th. If you are not happy with the pictures that were taken last time, simply return the package and a new package will be created for you. Students that were absent will have their pictures taken for the first time.

We avoided moving to Level 3 of our COVID Response Plan by creating a new Level 2.5. The entire revised plan is posted on our web page. It was also emailed directly to each family. We hope that by moving to this intermediate level we can avoid the additional restrictions of Level 3. Our goal continues to be keeping students in our classrooms and keeping our teachers in their classrooms.. Thank you for everything you are doing to help. With more time in masks, please send an extra one along for your student to use if theirs gets damp.

We received two memorials this past week celebrating the life of Doreen Koralesky. The gifts were from Tom Koralesky and Richard Lorenz. Thank you both so much.

There are several birthdays coming up. Happy Birthday to
Sully Swenson (11-29), and happy half birthday to Evelyn Culbertson (12-1) and Kalle Cervin (12-3). May God Bless each of you.
Next week is a very short week and so I will not be publishing a newsletter. I pray that you have a restful Thanksgiving whatever form that may take for you this year.
