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Family Newsletter ~ Sep. 26, 2019

Grandparents Day

We are looking forward to Grandparents Day tomorrow. The students will begin and end the day AT THE SCHOOL. They will ride the blue bus to the church, go to 8:30 Mass (grandparents meet us there), share a short music program, have refreshments, and then return to the school on the bus. Grandparents are welcome to drive back to the school and join us for a visit. We will close the visit with our Friday Marathon Rally beginning about 11:00 AM. Preschool children will remain in their classrooms and welcome grandparents to visit any time during the morning.


All families are encouraged to join us on Sunday for our first Family Fun Day of the year. Please remember to RSVP to assist with planning. If the weather is poor, bring board games instead.


Marathon Update and Planning

We have had an outstanding week in our marathon collections. As of this morning, our count has reached $30,560! Please keep this a secret from your kids until we announce it at the rally tomorrow afternoon. We are just halfway there now with only a week to go. Please get out there and do your best—we REALLY want to reach our goal by Marathon Day 10/4! Updates are being posted on our website in the meantime— .

Speaking of Marathon Day, we hope you’ll join us for the day. We begin with Mass at 8:30, do the walk around 9:30, and then come back to the church for lunch around 11:00. After lunch we have a nice prayer service where we read all of the collected intentions of our donors. We then share the total (and celebrate wildly when we share that we’ve done it! 😊). Students are then dismissed for the day – approximately 1:00. Please make arrangements for pick up if you are unable to be there for the day.

Brooks Ballinger Event

We hope all families can join us and be inspired!


Hiking Club

The SoSP Hiking Club will be meeting for the first time next Monday. We are in need of a few more parent chaperones. Please contact Jared Culbertson or Nick Olson to volunteer.


Why Do Catholics Do That?

I frequently hear questions about the different traditions of the Catholic faith and want to periodically share a little background to help us all learn and grow together. Next week we begin the month of October, a month we as Catholics dedicate to the Rosary. This is a prayer not well understood, but I recently saw something that said praying the rosary is like crawling in Mary’s lap and going through a picture book of Jesus’ life. This is a beautiful description of the way we meditate on Jesus’ life as we pray the 5 decades. Take a look at the video link to learn more about Mary and our devotion to the Rosary.


Purse Bingo

This may be a fun night out! Purse Bingo supports transportation scholarships for local preschoolers. Join us if you are able.


Mark Your Calendars

9/26 Grandparents Day Practice – dismissal at 2:50 at the church

9/27 Grandparents Day

10/4 Marathon Day – begin and end the day at the church; early dismissal (1:00)

10/7 No School – Diocesan Faith Formation Day for teachers

10/17-18 No School -- MEA

10/22 Picture Day


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