Marathon 2019
What a great Marathon Day! It is always something special to reach our goal, but when we hit it by Marathon Day there is extra reason for celebration. Once again, I sincerely thank you for your valiant efforts to make that happen. To jump from 62% to 100% in one week was nothing short of miraculous… but I believe in miracles and that “Our Lighthouse” had been guiding us all along. Many thanks for your outstanding work on behalf of our school. We truly have the best parents, students, and families!
As of Tuesday morning, our total had reached $64,910. Please continue to send in donations as you receive them. We will continue to add to our total for the next couple of weeks.
Families may check in with Mrs. Roers for an updated report on your family’s fundraising balance. Keep in mind that all families are required to raise $1300 over the course of this school year.
Marathon Appreciation
In the past we have hosted a marathon business appreciation event, but we decided this year to change this to an open house and include ALL donors—not just businesses. Please pass this invitation along to your family’s donors (don’t forget the parish donors!) in the next week when you send out your thank you notes. Also, watch your email for pictures that you may want to use when creating your personal thank yous.
Remember that we will gather this Saturday at 9:00 AM to do our annual service project—Adopt-a-Highway. Please join us at the Veteran’s park. Dress warm and wear boots! If you can let the office know that you will join us, we can plan for treats. Otherwise, just show up! Many hands make light work.
Flu Shots
ACMC will once again be offering flu shots to our students. This is a timely opportunity for our students, and we hope a convenient way for your families to prevent illness in your homes this winter. Please complete the form we are sending home today and return it to school asap.
Grand Prize Field Trip
We have decided to go to the Minnesota History Center on Wednesday, October 16 as our grand prize for reaching the Marathon Goal. This promises to be a fun and exciting trip! Please watch for the permission form and return it promptly. Note that because the trip to St. Paul is long and we don’t want to cut the experience short, we plan to return at 4:00 PM, so parents will need to provide transportation at the end of the day. To learn more about what we will see and do visit this link for the MN History Center.
No Mass Tomorrow 10/11
There is a funeral scheduled for tomorrow so we will not have 8:30 Mass. We will resume our regular Friday schedule on 10/25.
MEA Break
Just a reminder that we will not have school next Thursday and Friday.
Safe Environment
Next week I will be teaching the diocesan-required safe environment children’s lessons. We sent home a letter with details today, but don’t hesitate to reach out to me with questions.
Reading Counts
Believe it or not, we are nearing the end of the first quarter with the final day being 11/1. All students have been working toward their reading goal, as established by their teachers, during these last two months. All students who have met their goal will join us for a short movie in the afternoon following the noon Mass. Watch for an update from your child’s teacher and if they need extra reading time, please use the MEA break as an opportunity to catch up.
NWEA Assessment Results
Individual progress reports for all students are being sent home today. Please take time to review the results and contact your child’s teacher with any questions. A guide for reading the results is included with the results. Teachers will establish specific learning goals for themselves for working with students whose scores fell below the 50th percentile.
Picture Day
School pictures will be taken on Tuesday 10/22. If you are interested in purchasing pictures, please use the envelope that was sent home earlier this week. If you have other preschool children at home that you would like photographed, contact the office to make arrangements.