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  • Writer's pictureSchool of St. Philip

Family Newsletter ~ May 23, 2019

Congratulations to the Class of 2019!

5th Grade Graduation -- Friday, May 24 at 9:00 AM

We will honor our fifth grade graduates in a special way tomorrow, beginning with Mass at 9:00 and the graduation ceremony following. We encourage families to join us to celebrate the final Mass of the school year together. Special thanks to the 4th grade parents for hosting the graduation brunch, especially Sara Rick for her leadership.

5th graders are encouraged to arrive at school early for professional photos with Mr. Schaefer. Order envelopes were sent home earlier this week if you are interested in purchasing photos.

Thanks to Diane Springer and Mallie Dowdell for helping supervise our students after graduation so the staff can attend the breakfast.


Summer Lunch Program

Students are invited to take part in the free Summer Lunch Program offered here in Litchfield. To find out more, click on the following link:


Looking Back

As we wrap up another school year, it is a fitting time to look back on the many accomplishments of the year...a hugely successful marathon, the Grandparents Day visit and music program, Adopt-a-Highway, First Reconciliation, St. Nick Night, Christmas celebrations, the Birthday Bag service project for Meeker County Food Shelf, Catholic Schools Week being shortened due to the polar vortex--3 days at home, more snow days, the Raise Your Glass Scholarship Fundraiser, Wolf Ridge for grade 5, more snow days, First Communion, May Crowning, spring field trips, field day.... It has been an extremely full year. Each of these events was successful because of the amazing support of our parents and families. We can't do what we do without you! May God bless and reward you for sharing your many gifts, talents, and time to the benefit of our students.



There are still a few yearbooks available for $10. If interested, contact the school office.


Report Cards

Report Cards will be coming home with the students today. You'll find progress reports for Reading Counts and NWEA assessment results included as well. Please contact your child's teacher with any questions.


NWEA Assessment Results

We completed the spring round of testing last week. You will find your child's progress report included with his/her report card. Overall our students did well and demonstrated strong growth. We can be very proud of these results with 40% of our students above grade level in both reading and math, and 96% at or above grade level.


Tuition Contracts and Scholarship Applications

Just a reminder to please return the school tuition contracts for 2019-2020 ASAP. If you plan to apply for a scholarship, please return the green form by May 31. You will also get $50 off the registration fee if you pay it by this date.


Summer Clean-up Nights

Once again we are asking for parent volunteers to help lighten Mr. Eischen’s load this summer by helping with a couple of clean-up nights. We have designated June 10-11 beginning at 5:30. Please let the office know if you are able to come and help.


Fr. Brian's 25th Anniversary Celebration

This weekend there will be a special celebration to honor Fr. Brian's 25th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood. We encourage you to stop in to congratulate him following the 10:30 Mass until 2:30 this Sunday, May 26 at St. Philip Church.


Mr. Brooks' Summer Reading Challenge

Mr. Brooks has offered another Summer Reading Challenge. He has committed to give us $1/book with a $300 minimum and a $500 maximum for all books read over the summer. Graduating 5th graders and staff are also encouraged to participate. Use this Google Link to add your books to the school's running total:


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