We returned to school last Tuesday with the beginning of the 4th quarter and final quarter. It is amazing to see the growth of our students in all areas academically, spiritually, emotionally and physically. This year has had its fair share of challenges but has also been full of blessings as well.

Children who will be 5 by September 1st are invited to join us for Kindergarten Roundup next week. The child will meet with Ms. Torborg, our kindergarten teacher, while families meet with me. A school tour will be available. We are having our Roundup conference style in order to ensure everyone’s safety. Appointments can be made now by calling 693-6283 or emailing mroers@schoolofstphilip.org. Please plan about 30 minutes for your visit.

Each year our local Legion Post sponsors 2 fourth grade students to attend the Legionville School Safety Patrol Training Center. Because the camp was not held last year, our Legion Post is sponsoring 4 students this year. We have 5 students interested in attending. We are using the Legion money to support all 5 students. Those attending are Evelyn Culbertson, Sofia Dowdell, Lucas Elwell, Abe Olson and Jack Wendlandt. It is the boy's turn to be patrol captains next year. We held a random drawing and our captains are Lucas Elwell and Abe Olson. We will be having a wonderful crew for next year!

Once again, our school is taking part in the 2021 Willmar Stingers Reading Program. The classroom teacher sets a weekly reading goal for their classroom. Families track the number of minutes their child reads each week. They sign the reading calendar and return it to school. Each week, every classroom awards a Stinger backpack to one of the readers that turned in their reading calendar. At the end of 4 weeks, some lucky students will win two free tickets to a Willmar Stingers game.

As the weather gets nicer and our clothing options increase, remember that we still have physical education outside. If your child is wearing sandals to school, please remember to send along a pair of tennis shoes to change into for PE and recess.

Have you sent in your contract yet? Please get them in right away. The material fee discount is only available until May 28th. A green Tuition Assistance Form was included with each contract. In order to receive a scholarship, this must be turned in by May 14th. Scholarships will be awarded the following week. To those of you that have already turned your contract in - THANK YOU!
