We are looking forward to hosting conferences next week. They are Tuesday and Thursday, November 10th and 12th from 3:15-6:30 p.m. A few reminders:
If anyone in your household is feeling the least bit ill, please stay home and give us a call. We will gladly reschedule your conference.
If you would rather have your conference via Zoom or over the telephone, please contact your child's teacher and we will set that up for you.
Only parent's are allowed at conferences - no siblings or extended family members. They will not be allowed in the building so please don't let them join you. If you do not have someone to watch your children, we will happily find another time/date that works for you.
Conferences are limited to a maximum of 15 minutes. That is for everyone's protection as well as keeping us all on schedule. If you need additional time, please set it up with your child's teacher.
Mrs. Wedin is our Title I teacher. She will be available each day between 3:15-4:00 p.m. in the computer lab. Feel free to stop and meet her and/or get any questions you may have answered.

We continue to be diligent with screening students as they come to school and by having an expanded cleaning regime. We are doing everything possible to keep your child and all of the staff here healthy and safe. We ask the same of you. Please do your part to ensure that you are not bringing COVID into your home and then into our school. It takes all of us working together to keep our school open. We do not want to move to Tier 3 of our COVID Plan and place more restrictions on students and staff or have to once again move to distance learning. I truly appreciate your efforts to keep us all healthy and in school.

Next Wednesday, November 11th, we will be honoring our Veterans. We will all gather around our flag pole. The Veterans will explain how to correctly fold a flag and what the folds mean. They will also give a 21-gun salute and play Taps. Our 5th/Kindergarten Buddies will read a prayer for our Veterans, place a wreath at the base of our flag pole and give each Veteran a bookmark that we made.

You received an email earlier this week because we will be in session on Wednesday, November 11th. The public school is dismissing at 12:15 p.m. Consequently, there will not be bus service at the end of the day and you will need to pick up your child at 2:45 p.m. Please make sure we have your plan for that day and your child knows the plan too. We asked for it before but not everyone turned it in.

Ivor Rogness is celebrating his birthday next week. (11-14) May God bless him on his special day.
I hope you had time this week to enjoy the sunshine. Have a wonderful weekend.
